Square Root in Excel
The formulas discussed in this tutorial are very straightforward and you will hardly have any difficulties adjusting them for your worksheets. All you need to do is to hold down the Alt button and then type in the corresponding code for this character. Pin On Microsoft Excel Tutorial We hope you found this tutorial simple and easy to follow. . Calculate a square root. Paste symbol into a document. Formulas are the key to getting things done in Excel. Other Excel tutorials you may also like. Posted on October 13 2020 by Zach. Right-click where you want the square root symbol and select the Paste option which is under Copy. Get a square root of a negative number - take a square root of a negative number as if it were a positive number. 05 gives us the numbers square root. In this case while holding down the Alt key press 251 to add a square root. The square root of a positive integer that is...